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E-Learn Courses

E-Learn Courses

The bioethicus.com website is integrated with the bioethicus.eadbox.com platform.

You pay with PayPal at bioethicus.com and access your classes at bioethicus.eadbox.com.

Purchase instructions:

  • Your purchased course will be available for 90 days from the date of purchase, and the combo will be available for 1 year.
  • Within that period, you will be allowed to watch your courses as many times as you want.
  • Certificate of Completion in all courses.

Courses with Bioethicus Quality Assurance.

In-class discount

You can invest in the e-learning courses you are interested in, while also guaranteeing a full discount on the face-to-face courses on the same topics (this bonus expires after 24 months).

Example: If you invest US$100 in the e-learning ozone therapy course when taking the in-class course with us, you will have a full discount of this amount.

Valid for all courses when purchased separately!
The in-class courses are taught in Portuguese language. 


01. Variety

Frequent addition of new and exclusive educational content!

03. Experience

Classes with renowned teachers from Brazil and other countries.

05. Additionals

Exclusive complimentary links.

02. Practicality

Audio lessons for you to combine learning with any other activity.

04. Exclusivity

Access to exclusive class materials.

06. Tutoring

Solve all your questions with the Tutors of each Course.

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